

viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010

Ivy: You know what you are Paulie ? You're my seeing-eye parrot.
[dissolve to sunset]
Ivy: You've been a dear friend to me Paulie. We're birds of a feather, you and I. Betwixt and between, that's us. So what do we have tonight? Is it pretty?
Paulie: Oh, very pretty. There's more orange now, and it's getting darker. Just a little gold left. Ivy: The sun must almost be set.

Can you see any stars yet?

Paulie: Not yet.



Ivy: You know, Earl said that if you stand right at the edge just when the sun comes up,

it's like seeing the first sunrise in the whole world.


I found a tree, and I spent the night.

'Cos I wanted to be there in the morning...

for the very first sunrise.

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